Table of Contents

Project setup from the template repository

Use the project template to initialize a new repository, or adapt an existing one copying its file and structure. Then follow this checklist to adapt the template to your project.

Build system

  1. Update the build configuration in build/orchestrator/Program.cs with your project settings (e.g. code coverage or warnings as errors).

.NET project

  1. Rename, edit, remove the project folders inside src/ and the solution file.
  2. Edit the project name and URL in src/Directory.Build.props
  3. Add, remove, update dependencies in src/Directory.Packages.props
  4. Update the .csproj files with the correct dependencies.
  5. Update build/orchestrator/Program.cs with the list of publishable .NET projects in ApplicationProjects.
  6. Update build/orchestrator/Program.cs with the production and preview NuGet feeds, or remove to use


  1. Update the icons of the project at docs/images/.
  2. Update docs/ with project information
  3. Update docs/articles with the desired documentation layout.
  4. Update docs/docfx.json with the path to the API project files.
  5. Update docs/docfx.json with the project metadata
  6. Update docs/toc.yml and docs/template/public/main.js with the project URL.

Continuous integration

  1. Create secret variables with the NuGet tokens in the GitHub project settings
  2. Pass your variable's name in the inputs nuget_stable_token, nuget_preview_token or azure_nuget_token
  3. Review build.yml to remove / add OS platforms to run build and tests.
  4. Enable GitHub Pages in the repository settings
    1. Pages -> Select GitHub Actions as the source.
    2. Environments -> github-pages -> Add new rule for tags v*
  5. Allow to add release artifacts and publish docs with the built-in GITHUB_TOKEN via: Actions -> General -> Workflow permissions -> Read and write permissions

Collaboration files

  1. Update title and description.
  2. Update LICENSE with your desired license and copyright info
  3. Update VS Code .vscode/launch.json with the path of the console application (if any).